4eck Media

Rebranding and relaunch for healthcare company group ELBMED Prignitz

December 22, 2024
December 22, 2024

I can only thank you for the great collaboration. I think the chemistry between us is great - uncomplicated, fast, creative. You give us the vibe we need. We see ourselves as a reliable professional healthcare provider with a modern, fresh appearance - and that's exactly the image you have created with the new brand relaunch. Thank you very much for the great work of your team! We are delighted to have found you as a reliable agency that we will be happy to work with in the future

Jacqueline Braun
Marketing and Communication Officer
ELBMED Prignitz

Since February 2022, we have been working with great passion on a comprehensive rebranding and relaunch project for the Prignitz district hospital in Perleberg. This ambitious project included not only the development of a modern name and corporate design, but also the redesign of the website and print media. The result: a fresh and modern brand identity called ELBMED Prignitz and a completely restructured website that meets all the requirements of a modern hospital.

A fresh brand identity: ELBMED Prignitz

The first step was to develop the new name ELBMED. This modern and memorable brand name not only reflects the connection to the region, but also gives the hospital a contemporary and young employer brand - a significant advantage, especially when recruiting medical professionals from Germany and abroad. The name was successfully registered as a brand in 2022, accompanied by a new, minimalist logo and a fresh corporate design in the colors green, light blue and dark blue. Visualized here in a trade fair cube for the customer:

Messe-Cube für ElbMed

Efficient structure and modern functionalities

The hospital's previous website was broken down into its components and restructured. Instead of 200 subpages (excluding news, jobs and events), a streamlined and clear platform was created with just 100 pages that clearly bundle content.

The new features include:

  • Improved navigation through various menus, a body compass and also a patient guidance system that digitally displays the correct color coding in the hospital on the website
  • Integration of new imagery that radiates professionalism and warmth.
  • A modern appointment management system that gives patients quick and easy access to medical services.
  • A comprehensive careers section, equipped with a user-friendly application form.

ELBMED: Moderne Krankenhaus-Website

An agile way of working for results: innovative tools and collaborative processes

We were aware that such a large project with many decision-makers would be challenging. We therefore tried to visualize every step of the process as much as possible so that it was easy to understand how the corporate brand and website would change. Instead of creating hundreds of pages of documentation or specifications, we preferred visual methods because they are easier to grasp when presenting information.

Our approach was just as innovative as the result:

  • Sitemap and structure planning: the old website was analyzed and redesigned in a Google Sheet. This was visualized with the help of MIRO and divided into clusters.
  • Wireframes and prototypes: 57 clickable wireframes were developed, which formed the basis for the final UX prototype with 71 artboards.
  • Coordination and collaboration: Thanks to close coordination rounds with the various clinics, chief physicians and nursing management, a concept was created that met the requirements of all stakeholders.

Here is a before-and-after comparison of the sitemap visualized in MIRO. Admittedly, it looks pretty wild, but when zoomed in, it becomes clear where content clusters are created and information can be better structured:


From this, a first clickable prototype was then developed on a wireframe basis in order to be able to perfectly coordinate every step with those responsible. This is an image from the overview with the 58 associated artboards.

Wireframe-Konzept für ELBMED

Once the change requests had been implemented and the structure confirmed, the actual user interface was developed. This also shows how extensive such a project can be.


The developed site was then used in our test environment to transfer old content, integrate new texts and images, develop a new flyer design for downloads and so on.

A successful going live

The new website went live in December 2024 - a complete success! The response was consistently positive, both from employees and patients. The relaunch marks an important milestone for ELBMED Prignitz and strengthens its position as a modern and patient-centric healthcare center in the region.

Moderne Krankenhaus-Website

Special attention was also paid to high on-page quality and ensuring optimum page speed

PageSpeed ElbMed

The website was designed as a multi-site system based on WordPress. In the first quarter of 2025, five additional websites will be integrated into the system so that all websites can be controlled via one backend. We are looking forward to the work for the School for Health Professions, the senior centers in Wittenberge and Perleberg, the obesity center in Prignitz as well as the health center Wittenberge and the service company of the district hospital Perleberg.

Modern trade fair equipment for the ELBMED School for Healthcare Professions

As part of the rebranding and the new corporate identity, we also designed high-quality trade fair equipment for the ELBMED School for Healthcare Professions. This includes a modern exhibition cube (see image above), two stylish roll-ups and a large, eye-catching exhibition wall.

Messewand für ELBMED

The design is clear, professional and memorable, with the color scheme and corporate design of the brand being consistently implemented. With this equipment, the school not only presents itself as modern and chic at trade fairs and events, but also makes a strong statement as an attractive training location for future specialists.


We are proud to have been part of this important project and look forward to continuing to support the development of ELBMED Prignitz. Finally, a special thank you to marketing officer Jaqueline Braun for the great cooperation. She drove this project forward on the customer side and was always a competent and cordial sparring partner for us in getting this project off the ground.