4eck Media

Three modern one-pagers for the craft, construction and solar industries

September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022

4eck Media GmbH & Co KG was recommended to me by a friend and business partner when I asked him who would be able to develop a modern concept that can develop a homepage and implement contemporary advertising campaigns in social media. In the initial meeting with Matthias Petri, I was convinced that I had found the right partner. The result was presented quickly and in constructive cooperation to my complete satisfaction. We will gladly tackle further projects together. Thank you very much!

Maik Jaecks
Project developer

We recently designed and brought online three onepagers for clients from different industries. A onepager is a website where all information is available on just one webpage - the imprint and privacy policy appear with a click on the link. We love onepagers because they are often the best solution for modern business positioning, having a manageable amount of information without great updates. Here are the advantages of a onepager:

  1. Our developed onepagers are rat-fast in terms of performance (important ranking factor of Google!) - see picture below.
  2. Our onepagers have an outstanding OnPage quality (also a ranking factor of Google). We match the content of the websites with the most important search terms for our customers and optimize them for excellent results in terms of OnPage quality with the help of the SEO tool SEOBILITY.
  3. The one-pagers are modern in experience and also cut an impeccable figure on mobile devices and of course also meet Google's requirements for user experience or PageExperience (another ranking factor ... keyword: Core Web Vitals).
  4. The one-pagers contain individually designed icons by us, so that everything fits perfectly to the corporate design of the customer.
  5. The user experience is very high. The target group recognizes itself as such. It is easy to contact the company (the call-to-action is clear). The spatial impact radius is also clearly delimited. And since the one-pagers are all a bit longer, there is a progress bar at the top in addition to the menu, which quickly makes it clear to the user where they are.
  6. There is no need for a CMS. This makes the Onepager technically maintenance-free. There is no need to update the CMS or any plugins.
  7. Since no CMS is used and we also do without contact forms - as far as possible - there is also no possibility to hack the website from the outside, which is a big advantage in terms of security.
  8. No cookie nonsense: We set up the one-pager in such a way that no cookies are set and thus the annoying cookie notices are omitted. This ensures direct first contact without latent frustration on the website.
  9. Last, but not least: the costs compared to a WordPress-based corporate website with about 5-10 subpages are only half. A fair deal for price-sensitive customers who still want the best value.

Onepager for the construction industry: Fugen-Fassaden.de

For a Parchim-based joint service provider, we designed a modern onepager with custom-created map and icons. See here: Renew joints & facades

Onepager-Website für Maurer, HandwerkerIcons für Baugewerbe, Fugenfirma, Maurer

The performance of the onepager is extraordinarily good, which Google appreciates as a ranking factor:

Performance von Onepager

Everyone can test the performance of their website themselves with these two tools:

Onepager for the solar industry

We also designed and developed a modern, high-performance onepager for an entrepreneur who specializes in leasing farmland and open spaces for photovoltaics. To the website: Solar-Landpacht.de

OnePager für Solar-Unternehmen

Modern onepager for a handicraft company

For a Malchin (Gielow) handicraft company with focus on carpentry, joinery and house finishing we also designed an appealing, modern onepager. Click here for the website: Pewa-Gielow.com

"Competent team, super happy with the result. Best agency in the region." - Mark Wagenknecht, civil engineer from Pewa

Onepager-Website für Maurer, Handwerker

Particularly lovingly designed by us for each company individual, thematically appropriate icons and also map sections to the radius of action:

Icons für Handwerk, Zimmerer, Tischler

Thus these three Onepager line up themselves into our other Onepager projects for our customer as for instance for

As you can see, each onepager has an individual design. Nothing off-the-shelf, but custom-fit design for a modern positioning for crafts, the construction and solar industry and also other industries.

You also want a modern online presence in the form of a onepager? Please feel free to contact us.