Tutorials, assets and templates
Many users visit PSD-Tutorials.de mainly because of the content, the tutorials, assets and templates. An aspect that we take into account by publishing at least one new content on the platform every day, even after the last relaunch. Is there free of charge and feeds directly from our subscription portal and online store TutKit.com. This way, all those visitors who see PSD-Tutorials.de primarily as a source of interesting downloads and videos are continuously picked up.
The forum in focus
In the golden times of the forum we reached over 380,000 members. We do not want to say that these golden times are over. However, it is clear that people have long since found answers to their questions via social media, Google and the like in many other ways - the death of forums in recent years is proof of this. Nevertheless, we are convinced that specialist forums like ours will remain an important point of contact in the future, enabling people to exchange views on specific topics. The last relaunch of PSD-Tutorials.de addressed this, and it meant: back to the roots and full focus on the forum idea. We cut things like an overflowing content area and the points system. Instead, the design, layout and user guidance brought the essence of PSD-Tutorials.de back into focus: Register. Ask a question. Get an answer. Discuss. All free of charge. PSD-Tutorials.de - still a forum with tens of thousands of users!